How to video a speaker event.

Sony FS5, ATOMOS Inferno, 70-200MM F2.8

Sony FS5, ATOMOS Inferno, 70-200MM F2.8

When doing any video shoot, the first thing to get used to is expecting the unexpected. No matter how many site visits or client emails there will always be some curveballs to manage on the day.

Filming a speaker event will present some challenges and we’ll try to share some of these aspects to help make your shoot go to plan. Carefully consider the location setting, where is the camera located, the speaker & the audience. This will establish key things to factor such as:

  • Is the field of view or camera angle acceptable from that viewpoint?

  • Will the use of a specific zoom lens be required to frame the speaker close up enough?

  • Will the speaker be on a stage?

  • Is there a need to use a raised platform to place the camera on to see over the crowd?

  • Check you have access to a power source to power your camera and monitors.

  • Don’t rely on using the camera batteries, these often will run out midway through the event.

  • Audio, how will you record the speakers? Is the range of your wireless mics enough?

  • Is there a sound desk you can take an audio feed from?

  • Consider using a separate digital recorder to capture everything separate from the camera.

  • Lighting inside the venue is obviously the most important one. If it’s too dark and your lens is not fast enough, the recordings will be underexposed.

  • Test the room lighting capability, are the lights controllable?

  • Always do a camera white balance, venue lighting can be mixed with daylight so film a white card, and tweak the cameras internal WB settings. Avoid using auto white balance as it may shift during the recording and make colour balancing later in post much harder.

  • Persuade your client they need a B camera to capture the crowd. By using a B camera you are able to edit out mistakes and problems with speakers presentations.

  • Ideally, the B Camera should have an operator to get lots of cutaways or use a tripod.

  • If there is a presentation behind the speaker, don’t try to film it with the speaker in the same shot. You’ll have trouble getting correct exposure on both subjects. You’re better off getting the digital presentation and editing it in later.

Always have your own personal checklist of gear and kit to take, always triple check you have everything, audio cables, multi-plugs, lenses, headphones etc.

If your wanting to film your next event gives us a call, and we can help you make it a success!


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